
IQAC Committee

IQAC/IQAC Committee

Quality Policy

We are committed to offer value based education for overall development of Students.


To develop and ensure quality system for attaining excellence in the academic and administrative performance of the institution.

Mission OF IQAC

To develop and ensure quality system for attaining excellence in the academic and administrative performance of the institution.

  • To set up effective mechanism for evaluation and assessment of quality in education by adopting innovative teaching learning practices
  • To ensure timely, efficient and progressive performance of academic, administrative tasks
  • To create a passion amongst all stakeholders of the institute for implementation of quality conscious system at the institute
  • To develop an Institutional data base and documentation of the various activities leading to quality improvement
  • To stimulate sense of social responsibility among students

Objectives Of IQAC

R& D, Industry- Institute Interaction, Consultancy:

  • To sign MoUs or enter into collaborations with Industries, Academic  Institutions and NGOs for mutually-beneficial interaction.
  • To achieve research grants through consultancy

Extra-curricular Activities:

  • To organise extra-curricular activities through students’ council, committees of the institute
  • To organize one intercollegiate event every year


  • To get accreditation from NAAC and NBA

Functions of IQAC

  • To form a IQAC as per guidelines of IQAC manual designed by NAAC.
  • To hold the meetings at regular interval as per the IQAC manual designed by NAAC.
  • IQAC Coordinator shall design the guidelines for bringing improvement in the academic and administrative section of the institute. Such guidelines shall be prepared in consultation with the director.
  • All teaching and non teaching staff of the institute shall follow the guidelines issued by IQAC Coordinator for performance enhancement of overall institute.
  • To organise National and International Conferences/Seminars and workshops for students.
  • To organise Faculty Development Programs for teaching and non-teaching staff of the institute
  • To promote research culture among all teaching staff.
  • To design a mechanism for documentation of programs and various activities leading to quality improvement
  • To sign MoUs with industry, institutes and NGOs for mutual beneficial interaction.
  • To offer certifications and value added programs for students
  • To conduct academic and administrative audit for MBA Programme

To get accreditation of the institute