
Student Handbook

Student Corner /Students Handbook

Student Handbook

Student Code Of Conduct



Learning at RIMRD demands strict adherence to discipline and code of conduct, focused approach, total commitment and dedication towards all the academic, co-curricular,

extra-curricular and evaluation activities so as to enhance the chances of good placements in the corporate world.

1. Students applying for admission to any programme at RIMRD must be physically fit and must be mentally prepared to take up a rigorous schedule of academic inputs, projects, assignments, presentations, exams and other training schedules throughout the programme.

2. All the students must be disciplined and well behaved.

3. The rules mentioned below are meant to regulate discipline in our campus. Any student who fails to meet any stipulated norms will face disciplinary action which may include his / her term not being granted. In addition he / she will not be allowed to participate in the placement activity

4. Students must carry their Identity cards every day when on campus and produce it on demand by any authorities of the Institute.

5. Attendance : The Students of RIMRD must maintain a minimum of 75% attendance per semester per subject. At times students will have to attend lectures/ other activities/ exams on Sundays too in order to derive maximum benefit from it.

6. Dress Code : Students should be dressed orderly. Slippers, jeans, t-shirts etc. are not allowed in the campus. Students are expected to behave as future managers. To develop a sense of belonging, and inculcate discipline the students need to observe a strict dress code.

STUDENT Handbook


  1. Students must wear RIMRD uniform on Mondays and

On Tuesdays & Wednesdays students must wear formal dress (shirt and trousers with tie for gents; sari / salwar kameez for ladies). Fridays which will be observed as 'Casual- day'.

  1. On the occasion of all guest lectures, seminars, industry visits, exams, students must be dressed in the uniform (blazers, tie, shirt, trouser for gents and sari for ladies).
  2. A student failing to adhere to the dress code will not be allowed to attend the lectures and will face disciplinary
  3. Students must not sit in library and compute lab during lecture hours
  4. Students are expected to be in the classrooms at least 5 minutes before start of a lecture
  5. Mobile phones are strictly prohibited in the class room, seminar hall, library, computer lab, examination hall, tutorial and common rooms, and will be forfeited.
  6. Misbehaviour, habitual late coming, disobedience, absenteeism, consumption of drugs, Smoking, chewing of pan masala , alcohol in the premises, malpractices, cheating in the exam and such indecent activities unbecoming of a management student shall attract immediate cancellation of
  7. Ragging of any sort is strictly prohibited and will be dealt with seriously as per the provisions of the Maharashtra Ragging Prohibition Act
  8. Absence from tests/examination/tutorials and non-submission of assignments in time will make a student ineligible for internal
  9. Students should keep themselves abreast of day to day activities of the Institute and abide by all communications put up on the notice Students must read the notices carefully.

STUDENT Handbook


  1. Disrespect or discourtesy to guests, faculty and office staff will be considered as an act of
  2. Causing any kind of damage to the Institute property, library books, periodicals, computers and other equipment, writing graffiti on the walls of the campus, benches or anywhere is an act of Such acts will attract severe punishments and students will have to make good the losses.
  3. The director is empowered to impose fines for misconduct on the part of any students as and when warranted and The fines so collected will be utilised for student welfare activities.
  4. In case a candidate has a history of any medical disorder the parents must inform in wiring in detail about such illness and ensure that the student is in a position to attend classes/exams/other Student remained absent due to illness will have to submit medical fitness certificate within 10 days after resuming classes.
  5. Internal Complaint Committee/Women's Grievance Cell is formed for ladies staff and girl Student can approach director directly for redressal of any grievance.

STUDENT Code Of Conduct

Library Rules

1. Library timing is 9.30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. from Monday to Saturday.

2. Students must handle the books carefully.

3. The readers are required to maintain silence and discipline in the library.

4. The library will remain closed on general and national holidays.

5. Students must fill the name, class, and Roll No andIn and Out time in ‘Student Entry Register’ kept at the entrance of the Library.

6. Staff members must fill the Name, designation, department and In and Out time in

‘Staff Entry Register’ kept at the entrance of the Library.

7. Chairs and Tables should not be disturbed from their position. Use of mobile phone is prohibited in the Library. Any violation will be penalized by fine of Rs. 100/-

8. Students must always carry their College Identity Card with them while using the library facility. They have to show the same whenever asked by the library staff.

9. Download of any undesirable e-resources shall not be allowed and punishable if rule is violated.

10. Library Staff is not responsible for the loss of personal belongings of the students/faculty members.

11. The Library Attendants/Librarian at the entrance are authorized to examine all books/ Material passing into or out of the Library.

12. Every student will be issued only 2 books at a time for a maximum period of 7 days. On Expiry of the period, if student fails to return the book (s) will have to pay fine of Rs. 2/-per day for a week. The amount of fine can be varied from time to time at the discretion of the director.

STUDENT Handbook

Code OF Conduct

  1. Previous years question Magazines/Journals, books in the reference section will be issued in the library only against depositing of identity Card.
  2. Library cards are non-transferable, meaning thereby no issue will be made to a student against the library card of any other
  3. Important Notices and information regarding the Library will be notified on the Library Notice
  4. Students can also write their suggestions in the register available in
  1. The loss of Library card should be reported immediately to the
  1. In case loss of books, it should be immediately reported to the Librarian with an The decision of appropriate fine will be decided by authorities.
  2. All library books must be returned after the course or program is completed and within the due date fixed by the college from time to The passing certificates and mark sheets will NOT be given without the clearance and No Dues Certificate from the librarian.

STUDENT Handbook



  1. Students are NOT allowed to enter computer lab without ID cards
  2. Students are NOT allowed to enter with footwear is not allowed in computer
  1. Students should write their details like Name, Class, In-Out time in the register as and when they enter the computer lab or leave the computer
  2. Student should familiarize themselves with computer lab timings and rules and regulations displayed on the notice boards from time to
  3. Use of mobile phone in strictly prohibited in the computer lab
  4. Chatting, playing games is not allowed in the computer lab are not allowed to work in the computer lab during the lecture timing
  5. Students are NOT allowed to carry any kind of eatables, water bottles and any other belongings in the computer
  6. Students will logoff the terminal before they leave the
  7. The computer lab is expected to be used only for academic Visiting internet sites that are unethical and NOT for academic purposes are strictly prohibited.
  8. Portable media such as CD/DVD/portable hard disk are allowed in the



1 At the beginning of the academic year the institute will issue an academic calendar. The calendar will clearly indicate schedule which will include dates of commencement of semester, examination and tentative result declaration.
  1. The students must appear for exams including term end and all internal concurrent
  2. The students should participate in group activities, presentations, GDs, as every component and class activity will be evaluated
  3. The students should have minimum 75% attendance to appear for the university examination
  4. The students should actively participate in events or activities as the weightages are given to the participation in events or other
  5. The students get four attempts to pass in any subject as per the SPPU evaluation
  6. In case of any exam related grievance the students can first approach subject faculty, if the issue is not solved the students can report to Chief Exam

Dr. D. B. Bharati
